How to Be a Beginner at the Gym: Common Concerns and Tips

1. “I don’t know how to use any of the equipment, what should I do?”

Answer: You’re not alone—every gym-goer was a beginner once! The key is to start small and get familiar. When you tour the Lloyd Athletic Club, you will likely meet one of our trainers, and you can get scheduled for a Free Personal Training Session. Our staff  are more than happy to show you the ropes. If you’re ever unsure about how something works, it’s always better to ask than guess. You can also look up tutorials on YouTube (like the Live Strong channel) for specific machines and exercises. Over time, you’ll build your confidence!

2. “I’m embarrassed to work out because I’m weak right now.”

Answer: It’s totally normal to feel this way, but here’s the secret: Everyone starts somewhere. The strongest person in the gym today was once where you are. Instead of focusing on how strong others are, focus on your own progress. Set small, achievable goals, and you’ll quickly see how far you’ve come. And guess what? No one is judging you—they’re likely too focused on their own workout! Celebrate the fact that you’re here, and every workout gets you closer to your personal goals.

3. “What if I don’t know what exercises to do?”

Answer: Starting without a plan can feel overwhelming, but the good news is there are plenty of resources to help you. We have excellent personal trainers who understand the challenges of starting on a weight lifting plan. There are also workout plans online or through apps that offer structured programs designed for beginners. Keep it simple at first—basic movements like squats, lunges, and push-ups are great starting points. Focus on learning proper form before anything else.

4. “I’m afraid of doing something wrong and hurting myself.”

Answer: This is a very valid concern, and being cautious is smart! But remember, most injuries happen when people try to lift too heavy or use improper form. Start with light weights (or even just bodyweight) until you’re comfortable with the movement. Watching videos or working with a trainer is a great way to ensure you’re doing things correctly. Over time, as you get more comfortable with the exercises, you can safely increase the intensity.

5. “Everyone at the gym seems to know what they’re doing, and I feel out of place.”

Answer: It can seem like that, but trust me—everyone was a beginner at some point. The truth is, most people at the gym are focused on their own workout, not on what anyone else is doing. If you’re feeling out of place, try going during less busy times, when the gym is quieter, to ease yourself into the environment. Or, start with a buddy! Having someone with you can help you feel more comfortable.

6. “I feel overwhelmed by all the fitness advice and information out there.”

Answer: There’s definitely a lot of fitness advice out there, and it can be confusing! The best approach is to keep things simple at the start. Focus on the basics—find a few exercises you enjoy, and stick to those for now. Consistency is more important than trying to do everything at once. As you gain experience, you can explore more advanced workouts and advice. Until then, stick to what feels right for you and avoid information overload.

7. “I don’t want to look silly trying new things.”

Answer: First off, trying something new is a win in itself! It’s totally natural to feel a little self-conscious, but remember, most people at the gym aren’t paying attention to anyone but themselves. Start slow, focus on learning proper form, and don’t be afraid to practice new moves in an area where you feel comfortable. Everyone has had that moment where they felt awkward at the gym, but it’s part of the process. Be proud of yourself for trying something new.

8. “How often should I be going to the gym as a beginner?”

Answer: Start with what feels manageable—2 to 3 times a week is a great goal for beginners. Consistency is more important than going every day, and you don’t want to burn yourself out too quickly. As you get more comfortable, you can add more days if you’d like, but remember, rest days are just as important for progress!

Resources to Get You Started: